Tim Urban & Andrew Finn’s Wait But Why — paraphrasing the website, ‘A popular long-form, stick-figure-illustrated blog about almost everything.’
Ben Thompson’s Stratechery — if one wants to be a part of the tech inner circle and always be ahead of tomorrow’s water cooler conversation. One of my very first subscriptions. Well worth it.
Y Combinators Hacker News — the first social media platform I open in the morning. Full of troves of information about science, entrepreneurship, and everything in between commented on by the smartest people you’d get a chance to converse with.
Honorable Mentions (via Substack), in alphabetical order:
BIG by Matt Stoller — Public Policy, Politics, Democracy
Exponential View by Azeem Azhar — a mental exercise in understanding the present from a multidisciplinary perspective of economics, technology, philosophy, and business, in order to explain the future. Outstanding content.
First 1000 — deep dive on how founders got their first 1000 customers
Jake’s Newsletter — VC/ Startup Scene from a seasoned veteran
Lenny’s Newsletter — A weekly advice column about product, growth, working with humans, and anything else that’s stressing you out at the office
Margins by Ranjan Roy and Can Duruk — The technology of business and the business of technology
Menagerie — daily updates and stories of interest from China and Asia
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One might think I’m biased (with the number of NYU professors omnipresent here). I couldn’t care less. In no particular order:
Scott Galloway’s No Mercy / No Malice — his books are also required reads.
Aswath Damodaran’s Musings on Markets — value investing God.
Tim Urban & Andrew Finn’s Wait But Why — paraphrasing the website, ‘A popular long-form, stick-figure-illustrated blog about almost everything.’
Ben Thompson’s Stratechery — if one wants to be a part of the tech inner circle and always be ahead of tomorrow’s water cooler conversation. One of my very first subscriptions. Well worth it.
Y Combinators Hacker News — the first social media platform I open in the morning. Full of troves of information about science, entrepreneurship, and everything in between commented on by the smartest people you’d get a chance to converse with.
Honorable Mentions (via Substack), in alphabetical order:
BIG by Matt Stoller — Public Policy, Politics, Democracy
Click Track — A Music Business Newsletter
Endless Metrics — Data/ Graphs/ Analysis
Exponential View by Azeem Azhar — a mental exercise in understanding the present from a multidisciplinary perspective of economics, technology, philosophy, and business, in order to explain the future. Outstanding content.
First 1000 — deep dive on how founders got their first 1000 customers
Jake’s Newsletter — VC/ Startup Scene from a seasoned veteran
Lenny’s Newsletter — A weekly advice column about product, growth, working with humans, and anything else that’s stressing you out at the office
Margins by Ranjan Roy and Can Duruk — The technology of business and the business of technology
Menagerie — daily updates and stories of interest from China and Asia
Out-Of-Pocket — Healthcare, but funny
Simplanations — Making sense of the business world
The Diff — covering inflection points in finance and technology
The Cap Table — features exclusive interviews with rising investors, founders, and operators who have experience on the cap table.