Their primary purpose is to let the consumer know the origin of goods and to allow companies to build a reputation around the intangible properties of their products, like longevity, quality, and craftsmanship.
Trademarks should be voided on the change-of-control of a company.
Selling a trademark is fundamentally betraying that trust in exchange for a monetary reward, which wouldn’t be acceptable behavior in other settings.
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Trademarks Should Be Non-Transferable
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Trademarks should be non-transferable.
Their primary purpose is to let the consumer know the origin of goods and to allow companies to build a reputation around the intangible properties of their products, like longevity, quality, and craftsmanship.
Trademarks should be voided on the change-of-control of a company.
Selling a trademark is fundamentally betraying that trust in exchange for a monetary reward, which wouldn’t be acceptable behavior in other settings.