Hump Day. Thoughts are in disarray. Been grinding a lot of analytical CS-stuff and haven’t had a chance to catch up on some of the books I picked up in a fire sale. At least I finished Bill Bryson’s Neither Here Nor There. Funny! Hopefully, I get to start STALINGRAD (Antony Beevor) this weekend.
1986 (08/01, 30/07, 20/12) also repeated in 1991 (29/05 and 25/09 respectively)
kinda hot ngl
1988 (23/01, 09/04, 12/09)
a decade worth of comics and not one commemorating chess [1]
the brilliance of the last panel: black on white instead of the norm.*chefs kiss*
1993 (09/01, 10/05)
1994 (27/01)
1995 (03/01, 04/01, 08/06)
‘I’M A GOD.’ Not done with political posts just yet.
First recorded time Calvin did math properly. I guess he takes 15-and-half-minute long baths.
[1] Besides this fanmade monstrosity:
A baker’s dozen worth of comics this time. And the fanmade monstrosity. I apologize. Also: I was today years old when I found out xkcd’s Randall Munroe writes (and draws) for the New York Times. There are some really interesting articles in the Science category. His illustrations fit NYT’s style.
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Weekly Dose of Hobbes #4 - 12/11/20
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Hump Day. Thoughts are in disarray. Been grinding a lot of analytical CS-stuff and haven’t had a chance to catch up on some of the books I picked up in a fire sale. At least I finished Bill Bryson’s Neither Here Nor There. Funny! Hopefully, I get to start STALINGRAD (Antony Beevor) this weekend.
1986 (08/01, 30/07, 20/12)
also repeated in 1991 (29/05 and 25/09 respectively)
1988 (23/01, 09/04, 12/09)
1993 (09/01, 10/05)
1994 (27/01)
1995 (03/01, 04/01, 08/06)
[1] Besides this fanmade monstrosity:
A baker’s dozen worth of comics this time. And the fanmade monstrosity. I apologize. Also: I was today years old when I found out xkcd’s Randall Munroe writes (and draws) for the New York Times. There are some really interesting articles in the Science category. His illustrations fit NYT’s style.