Why subscribe?

I’d mostly really appreciate it. If you enjoy ramblings about tech, finance, aviation, and chess, with other random threads sprinkled here and there this might suit your inbox.

I’ve linked some curated pieces below so one can get a taste of what to expect:

  1. How to Hack Hotel Wifi & The Proof is in the Pudding: Probability, Math

  2. The Plight of the Intelligently Stupid: Philosophy, Economics, Finance

  3. Opening a Restaurant at the Worst Possible Time: Five-part Series

  4. Diving & Death and The Midget Fight: Travels

  5. A Meditation on Inebriation: Chess

  6. 90 Days of Spring: Film Analysis

  7. Always Be Closing: Consulting

Viren Mohindra
We can also connect on Twitter.

Why ‘Old Fashioned’?


  1. Muddle the sugar cube and bitters with one bar spoon of water at the bottom of a chilled rocks glass. (If using simple syrup, combine bitters and one bar spoon of syrup.) Add rye or bourbon. Stir.

  2. Add one large ice cube or three or four smaller cubes. Stir until chilled and properly diluted, about 30 seconds. Slip orange twist on the side of the cube.

    — From NYTimes Cooking

One of my all-time favorites and I’m currently in the process of flying around the world trying to find the best cocktail. Still searching.

Subscribe to Old Fashioned

offering notes on tech, finance, aviation, and chess all in one eclectic space.
